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The Truth About The Cane Corso Bully Mix And Its Nature

The Truth About The Cane Corso Bully Mix And Its Nature

When people talk about designer breeds, they typically think about cute little doggies such as Goldendoodles or Pomskis. But have you heard of the Cane Corso Bully mix?

A designer dog is, essentially, any crossbreed that is the result of the intentional mixing of two different breeds. You might also know them under the name hybrid dogs

One of the primary reasons why hybrid dogs exist is to fix some flaws either parent breeds might have. The same is the case with Cane Corso Bully mixes.

What do I mean by that? Let’s find out!

Cane Corso Bully Mix Quick Stats

Height 19 – 27 inches
Weight 70 – 130 pounds
Coat lengthShort
Coat colorMany colors, mostly black
TemperamentProtective, social, territorial, dominant
Good with kidsSometimes
Good with other petsNo 
Lifespan8 – 13

Breed Origin

As its name suggests, the Cane Corso Bully mix is the product of parents that belong to two different breeds of dogs: the Cane Corso and the American Bully. 

It’s impossible to fully understand the nature and background of the crossbreed without learning about the origin of its parent breeds. So, let’s dive right into that!

Cane Corso

Cane corso

First, we have Cane Corso, an old breed that was well-known back in Ancient Rome. It was primarily used as a war dog, and later on, it became one of the most prized guard dogs out there. 

As the need for huge guard dogs started diminishing with modern cities, the breed became less desired. By the 20th century, it almost became extinct.

Luckily for us, a group of breed enthusiasts decided to bring Cane Corso back to its glory in the 1970s. Thanks to them, we have the Cane Corso we know and love today – although it is still considered one of the rarest breeds in a large part of the world.

The American Kennel Club (AKC) finally accepted the breed in 2010.

American Bully

American bully

As for the American Bully, the story of this breed couldn’t be more different. 

The American Bullies are a fairly new breed. They developed in the 1980s and 1990s by mixing the American Pitbull Terriers with various Bulldog breeds, such as the English Bulldog, the American Bulldog, and the Olde English Buldogge. 

This combination was the best solution to creating a mighty, muscular dog that would look dangerous but have a friendly temperament. 

Today, American Bullies are no longer considered crossbreeds but purebred dogs.  However, they are not recognized by the AKC, but the European Bully Kennel Club (EBKC), American Bully Kennel Club (ABKC), and the United Kennel Club (UKC) accept them as a breed.

It isn’t known when someone first decided to mix these two dogs and create a Cane Corso Bully mix. However, the Cane Corso Bully mix is most likely the result of people trying to mellow down a Cane Corso’s temperament while retaining the breed’s signature appearance.  

Physical Characteristics

Cane corso american bully mix

Most of the time, it can be challenging to predict how a crossbreed would look like. There are many different genetic combinations, and you can never know what particular genes a dog will inherit. 

While it might not appear to be the case, American Bullies and Cane Corsos share many physical characteristics. Both are strong dogs with large heads and naturally floppy ears that are later cropped. 

As a result, we can have a general idea of what their descendants will look like. 

At the same time, the American Bully Cane Corso mix can inherit any of the unique features of its parents. 

For example, Cane Corso is a large Italian breed, while the American Bully is a medium-sized dog. Also, while both have a strong muscular body, the Bully is undoubtedly the more masculine one. 

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    Finally, Bullies have flatter faces they’ve inherited from their brachycephalic ancestors.

    So, what does this mean for their crossbreed?

    Many times, they will have broad heads, with a muzzle that is a bit flatter than Cane Corso’s, droopy cheeks, and dark eyes.

    Their legs are shorter and more muscular than Cane Corsos, and their entire bodies will be more muscular, too. This includes their strong legs. 

    As for the coat colors, this can vary. While one of the most common Cane Corso’s colors is black, American Bullies come in various shades. This means that the Bully Cane Corso mix can also come in many different colors, although black is a bit more common than the others. 

    The appearance is also one of the main reasons why you shouldn’t confuse this crossbreed with a Cane Corso PitBull mix, which is typically taller with a somewhat longer muzzle and less muscular body. 


    Most of the time, the Cane Corso Bully mix will be a large dog, although some might be a bit smaller. 

    Cane Corsos typically have a height of 23.5 to 27.5 inches and a weight of 80 to 110 pounds

    American Bullies come in various sizes, but most of the time, breeders will use an XL Bully for this mix, so this is what I’ll take into consideration. Their size is usually between 19 and 23 inches, and they can weigh as little as 70 or as much as an incredible 130 pounds.  

    This means that the American Bully Cane Corso mix has a height of 19 – 27 inches and can weigh anywhere between 70 and 130 pounds. 


    Cane corso american bully mix

    As I’ve implied before, temperament is one of the main reasons behind the creation of this crossbreed. 

    The Cane Corso breed was made to serve as a guard dog, which has affected its temperament. In other words, this is a territorial and dominant dog that can be difficult to handle. 

    This is further enhanced when you take its big size into consideration. 

    It has a powerful reputation that precedes him. While I would argue that no dog breed is aggressive on its own, without proper training, Cane Corso can become just that.

    On the other hand, the American Bully was made to be a more social version of a Pitbull. This is a friendly dog breed with a caring and loveable temperament that would do anything for its owner.

    Cane Corso Bully mix is a dog with a protective nature and caring personality. They are exceptional dogs and loyal companions to their human family. Some might even think they are lap dogs, forgetting their huge size.

    However, they are more aloof than Bullies and might be wary of strangers.

    Also, they can be dominant, although not as much as purebred Cane Corsos. Still, their playful side will 

    Due to the high prey drive both parent breeds share, this isn’t a good dog if you have small pets. They do their best as the only dogs in the household and thrive on the attention they get from all family members. 


    When dealing with a strong dog, trainability is one of the most important aspects.

    Fortunately, Cane Corso Bully mix will excel at this. Unlike purebred Cane Corsos, this crossbreed is easy to train, as it would do anything to please its owner. Also, both parents are intelligent breeds so that they can learn new things rather quickly.

    Even if it’s more on the dominant side, this still wouldn’t be as drastic, and most experienced owners will be able to deal with its temperament.

    Still, this is not a good dog for beginners. Any mistake you might make can be extremely dangerous due to this dog’s size and strength.f

    What makes things worse is that you will be under the close eyes of many biased owners who dislike the breed. Don’t allow yourself to be a reason someone fears these magnificent animals. 

    Early socialization is crucial for this breed to ensure proper behavior and to help them get used to different animals and different people.  

    Unfortunately, some Cane Corso Bully mixes will never be suitable for other pets, especially small animals. 

    Exercise Needs 


    Activity is one of the basic needs of every dog, and this is something a Cane Corso Bully mix needs a lot of.  

    This dog breed needs plenty of exercise. Both parent dogs are active breeds that benefit from numerous outdoor activities, such as hiking or a game of fetch. 

    While daily walks are mandatory, they are nearly not enough to deplete your beloved pup from all that energy he has. 

    Also, as this crossbreed is so intelligent, they need quite a lot of mental stimulation. Otherwise, they can become destructive or even aggressive – something you don’t want with a breed of this size.

    With that being said, if you’re someone who doesn’t lead an active life or who cannot provide this breed with plenty of exercise, this might not be the right breed for you.

    Is Cane Corso Bully Mix A Good Guard Dog?

    Most people looking to buy a Cane Corso Bully mix want a good guard dog. So, does this breed fulfill those requirements?

    American Bully Cane Corso mix is an excellent guard dog! The same can be said for basically any Cane Corso mix, due to this dog’s protective nature and dislike of strangers. 

    However, what makes this dog do an even better job than its purebred parent is that the Bully’s friendliness and eagerness to please makes it easier to train. It will learn commands much more quickly, and it will be easier to control. 

    Is Cane Corso Bully Mix A Good Family Dog? 


     Good Family Dog? 

    Another reason why some people might want a Cane Corso Bully mix is because they might be looking for a house pet. 

    However, this is where things can get a bit tricky. 

    Just like Pit Corsos, Cane Bullies are generally friendly and okay with older children. However, they might not have the patience to deal with small kids.

    Also, due to the breed’s high prey drive, they are typically not okay with other animals in the household, especially small pets. 

    As they are dominant, they might even have problems with other dogs, and same-sex aggression is quite common. 

     For this reason, I cannot stress enough the importance of socialization. When properly socialized and trained, most Cane Corso Bully mixes will make great pets for large families, even if their temperament is a bit trickier.

    Diet Requirements 

    Cane Corso Bully mix

    Good luck with providing your doggie with enough food! Due to their size and exercise requirements, this breed has some rather specific diet requirements.

    They need a large amount of food two times a day. This includes lots of animal protein and good fats to give them enough energy and strength.

    Many owners prefer to feed their four-legged special family members with a raw diet, which is a great option for this particular breed. Just make sure to consult with your vet beforehand.

    Also, make sure they have water available all day long.

    Treats are okay as long as they don’t make more than 10% of their calorie intake. This pup is prone to obesity, so monitor its food intake all the time.

    Common Health Problems

    Most crossbreeds have fewer health issues than their purebred parents. However, this doesn’t mean they cannot get sick.  

    Cane Corso Bully mixes can still get some serious health conditions both Cane Corsos and American Bullies are prone to. 

    This includes:

    If you have an old girl or an old boy Cane Corso Bully mix, you might want to make vet visits a bit more common, just to make sure they are as healthy as possible.

    However, the lifespan of these beautiful dogs can be tricky to predict

    Large breeds don’t have a long life expectancy most of the time. Luckily, Cane Corsos typically live longer than some other dogs of their size. Their lifespan is between 10 and 12 years.

    On the other hand, as they are a fairly new breed and there hasn’t been enough research to make the numbers more precise, the American Bully lifespan is estimated at between 8 and 13 years.

    As crossbreeds inherit the health genetics from their parents, the Cane Corso Bully mix is expected to live anywhere between 8 and 13 years, although we can say that most will live longer than 10.   

    If you can provide them with proper nutrition, plenty of exercise, and, of course, don’t skip regular trips to the vet, you can ensure your doggie lives a long and healthy life.

    Where Can You Get A Cane Corso Bully Mix?

    When looking for Cane Corso Bully mix puppies, it’s always important to take a closer look at the breeder.  

    Try to find a long-term seller, if possible. These people usually have a good reputation, which means they are selling high-quality puppies. Look for some of the top popular names in the United States or your local area.

    If you don’t want to buy a dog, check your local shelter. Some might have a Cane Corso Bully mix puppy for sale. Not only is this a cheaper option, but you will also do a good deed and provide a lonely dog with a new home. 

    Whatever you choose, I am sure you’ll have a good time with your new pet!