7 Quirky And Adorable Dachshund Mixes (With Pictures)

7 Quirky And Adorable Dachshund Mixes (With Pictures)

Yellow Star

The Dachshund x Poodle Mix 

They are easy to train and are good pets for anyone who wants a bright and active dog as a family member. 

Yellow Star

The Rottweiler x Dachshund Mix

These dogs are extremely loyal and protective, making them outstanding watchdogs. 

Yellow Star

The Chihuahua x Dachshund Mix 

These dogs can have various coat types and are known for their spirited and loyal nature.  

Yellow Star

The Wire Fox Terrier x Dachshund Mix 

With their wiry coats and lively disposition, they make excellent companions for active families. 

Yellow Star

The Dachshund x Shiba Inu Mix 

Because of their short coats and liveliness, they are great for keeping company with active and energetic families. 

Yellow Star

The Dachshund x Jack Russell Terrier Mix

They often present a short, dense, smooth, slightly wiry coat that comes in several colors and patterns.  

Yellow Star

The Dachshund x Labrador Retriever Mix

Loyal, friendly, and intelligent, they make great family dogs.