Do you want to get a new family pet but are tired of all the purebred dogs everyone has? Maybe some American Bully mix is the right choice for you!
American Bullies are amazing dogs known for their characteristic appearance, which consists of a large head, short neck, and muscular front legs that give them the looks of a professional MMA fighter.
While they are a fairly new breed that is yet to be recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) – although they are recognized by the United Kennel Club (UKC) and the American Bully Kennel Club (ABKC) – some people would simply like to get something different.
Even if you’re not on the lookout for a new dog, chances are you are simply curious and want to learn more about all possible American Bully mixes that are out there.
Look no further! Here is the list of my favorite Bully mixes. There’s something for everyone!
1. Bully Staffy – American Bully x Staffordshire Bull Terrier

American Bully and Staffordshire Bull Terrier both fall under the umbrella term ‘Pit Bull’, so this mix might confuse someone at first.
However, the Bully Staffy is an entirely separate breed – or rather, a crossbreed – that is the offspring of these two pups.
The Bully Staffy might not look as impressive or unique as some other dogs from the list, considering that the two parent breeds look alike. Still, it’s adorable personality is what truly makes it stand out – something that anyone who has met a Bully Staffy can confirm.
2. Bullypom – American Bully x Pomeranian

Now, this is a mix you probably didn’t expect!
Bullypom is a mix of a muscular Pocket Bully and a fluffy Pomeranian. What an adorable combination!
This small dog will typically have a medium-length coat, although you can find Bullypoms with both short and long coats, depending on the genetics.
Just get ready for those extra shedding amounts!
3. Bullydoodle – American Bully x Poodle

Are you looking for that hypoallergenic family pet that will have the friendly nature of an American Bully, but more suitable for people sensitive to dog hair? Bullydoodle is a dog for you!
This pooch has all the best characteristics of both parent breeds – from amazing temperaments to low-shedding amounts.
Considering the large number of both Poodle and American Bully colors, you can expect Bullydoodles to come in a wide array of shades, making them one of the most beautiful American Bully mixes on the list.
Also, these doggies can come in different sizes, depending on the Poodle size. The largest mix is gained when you crossbreed an XXL Bully and a Standard Poodle, while for the smaller ones breeders usually use Pocket or Micro Bullies and a Toy Poodle.
4. Bully Mastiff – American Bully x Mastiff

Bully Mastiff is a mix with an intimidating appearance and an amazing personality.
By combining a purebred American Bully with a purebred Mastiff, you will get a well-rounded mix that will make both an amazing guard dog and a family pet.
The American Bully’s friendly nature will mellow down the Mastiff’s territorial nature, making it more suitable for a wider range of dog owners.
This kind of temperament might be best suited for people who are experienced in dealing with large guard dogs but don’t have the knowledge or the time they’d need to dedicate to a purebred Mastiff.
5. Bullinois – American Bully x Belgian Malinois

If you liked the Bully Mastiff, you’re going to love the Bullinois. This is yet another crossbreed that is a great combination of a guard dog and a nanny dog.
Just keep in mind that Bullinois have a high prey drive, so they might not be suitable for small pets, such as hamsters, parrots, or even cats.
They need lots of training and socialization while also being on the clingier side. As they are prone to separation anxiety, don’t leave them alone for more than a few hours. Otherwise, you are risking coming back and seeing your home in ruins!
6. Bullycorgi – American Bully x Corgi

Are you looking for a bundle of joy that will have high activity levels but also love to cuddle with you in the evening? Meet Bullycorgi!
Corgis are one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States – according to the AKC’s list of most popular canines in 2023, they hold the 11th spot.
Considering how everyone loves both Corgis and Corgi mixes, it’s no wonder that the Bullycorgi is one of the most popular crossbreeds on our list.
Just look at that adorable face. Didn’t you just fall in love?
7. Bullyshih – American Bully x Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu is yet another royal dog breed on our list. These pups were beloved back in Ancient China, and they still behave as if they own the world. Expect nothing less from the Bully-Tzu.
These fluffy pups will usually have medium to long non-shedding coats, making them a good choice for people with dog allergies.
Also, this is one of the few American Bully mixes with an underbite.
Just be mindful – this little puppy can have a strong temperament. Bully-Tzus know what they want, and they’ll do anything possible to get just that. Make sure you’ve trained and socialized them properly from an early age.
8. Bully Bordeaux – American Bully x Dogue De Bordeaux

Another one on the list of our large guard dogs is the Bully Bordeaux, a crossbreed between the standard or the XL American Bully and Dogue De Bordeaux.
Dogue De Bordeaux is a large Mastiff-type dog with a strong build and a brachycephalic face. While it looks like various Bulldog breeds, the two are not closely related.
Bully Bordeaux is one of the newest breeds, and it was designed to help calm down Dogue de Bordeaux’s temperament while keeping its protective instincts.
9. Bullycocker – American Bully x Cocker Spaniel

This is an adorable little doggie you’ve probably never heard of!
A Bullycocker is a cute, medium-sized, curly-haired dog everyone adores. It’s one of the biggest lap dogs on our list, so get ready for lots of cuddles.
This shouldn’t be challenging, considering how cute this canine is.
10. Bully Boxer – American Bully x Boxer

Let’s face it – if American Bullies were humans, we’d imagine them as some MMA fighters or boxers. As such, it’s no surprise that there’s a mix with a Bully and a dog breed named Boxer!
The Bully Boxer is a dog with a funny name but an amazing personality. This is usually a large dog, although you may find some in medium size if a smaller American Bully was used.
While incredibly cute, this dog can have a somewhat demanding temper, so proper training is a must. Also, he needs a lot of physical activity. Prepare yourself for extensive workout sessions together with this pooch!
11. Bullydox – American Bully x Doberman Pinscher

Isn’t this one of the most unique Doberman mixes you’ve ever seen? He looks like the Bully version of our favorite Dobe!
As is expected, this pup is most likely to sport those standard Doberman markings and colors – which include tan points on his muzzle, eyebrows, cheeks, chest, and the inside of the front legs.
You won’t find many of these mixes at animal shelters, that’s for sure. This is one of the rarer canines out there.
12. Anatolian Bully – American Bully x Anatolian Shepherd

All Anatolian mixes are considered great herding and guard dogs, and the same goes for the Anatolian Bully.
If you were looking for someone to keep your home and your flock safe but worry that training a purebred Anatolian might be a bit too much for you, this might be the right mix for you.
As these two breeds are so genetically different, you are likely to avoid most standard health problems that typically plague Anatolians. Just beware of that hip dysplasia!
13. Bully Heeler – American Bully x Blue Heeler

Bully Heeler is a mix not many people know of.
These two dogs seem like an impossible match, but this is a well-rounded dog that is a bit calmer than a Blue Heeler.
Also, as he has a longer face due to the Blue Heeler genes, Bully Heeler doesn’t have the breathing problems many American Bullies struggle with.
14. Bullypit – American Bully x American PitBull Terrier

The Bullypit can often be confused with both the American Bully and the real APBT. In the end, the two breeds are so closely related that the biggest difference is the Bully’s sturdy body, which he inherited from his Olde English Bulldogge ancestors.
Most Bullypits are the product of accidental breeding. Not many breeders would intentionally crossbreed two breeds that are so alike unless it was to remove some flaws from one breed, which isn’t necessary here.
One thing is certain – as the APBT comes in many various colors, just like the American Bully, the Bullypit is a colorful crossbreed.
15. Bullychow – American Bully x Chow Chow

Do you want to see an American Bully with a blue tongue?
Well, this cannot happen, as Chow Chows and Shar Peis are the only two breeds with this feature, but if you get a Bullychow, you’ll come really close to this!
Bullychows are large furballs with a somewhat aloof temperament. They aren’t too social with strangers and make amazing guard dogs. And the best part of it all is: Some might inherit Chow Chow’s dark tongue!
16. Bullyweenie – American Bully x Dachshund

Just look at this Bullyweenie! Isn’t it the most adorable canine you’ve ever seen?
American Bullies have short legs as it is, so when you add some Dachshund blood into the mix, you’ll get a rather funny-looking pup that’s like no other.
However, the full appearance of this pup can be somewhat unpredictable, as the two parent breeds have such different facial and body structures.
17. Bullypeke – American Bully x Pekingese

Bullypeke is a crossbreed with an unusual name but a diva-like appearance. No surprise there, considering how Pekingese is considered a royal breed of dog, especially in Asia.
It’s unfortunate how none of these crossbreeds is recognized by large kennel clubs. Not even the United Kennel Club accepts Bullypeke as a breed, making these doggies unrightfully looked over when people are choosing new pets.
What a misfortune, considering how these pups make some of the best family dogs out there!
18. Aussie Bully – American Bully x Australian Shepherd

Australian Shepherd mixes are only pups that might be as cute as Bully crossbreeds. It’s no wonder that this Aussie Bully is so hard to resist.
The Aussie Bully is likely to inherit one of many Australian Shepherd coat colors, such as merle, which is considered a serious fault in many other breeds.
Considering how I’ve already mentioned that Bullies also come in numerous shades, just imagine all the possibilities!
19. Bullyshepherd – American Bully x German Shepherd

Here’s yet another herding dog mix on our list.
German Shepherds and American Bullies are not dogs that most people would think of mixing. However, these two breeds make a great pup for people who would like to get a guard dog and a herding dog with a friendlier temperament than a purebred GSD.
Just keep in mind that every German Shepherd mix will experience a high amount of shedding, so get ready for plenty of brushing.
20. Bullybull – American Bully x Bulldog

While many people consider Bullybull to be one crossbreed, this is an umbrella term that includes the mixes of the following breeds:
- English Bulldog
- American Bulldog
- French Bulldog
- Bullmastiff
And any other Bulldog-type breed.
Most people opt to get the American Bully American Bulldog mix for a well-rounded, all-American dog breed.
Be careful with overfeeding! Bullybulls are prone to obesity. What might start as a few treats can result in a fat dog, which is never a good thing.
21. Bullydane – American Bully x Great Dane

While most other American Bully mixes come in a variety of sizes, the Bullydane will almost certainly always be a large dog.
These dogs possess great strength and mild temperaments, making them good dogs for beginners who want to get into large breeds.
Just keep in mind that these pups need lots of socialization. They are not known to be man-biters but might be a bit tricky with other pets, so get them used to other animals from an early age.
22. Bullyhuahua – American Bully x Chihuahua

From largest to the smallest, meet Bullyhuahua, the tiniest dog on our list!
Bullyhuahuas are typically created by mixing micro Bullies with Chihuahuas to ensure their small size. Some people might confuse them with a baby dog, that’s how small they can be!
Keep in mind that, due to the complicated history of Micro Bullies, you might never be entirely certain about your Bullyhuahua’s full appearance and temperament. Most Micro Bullies have genes from Terrier breeds, which, combined with Chi’s feisty behavior, can result in an unpredictable dog.
23. Bullyhusky – American Bully x Siberian Husky

Bullyhusky is a rare but still sought-after crossbreed known for its unmatched beauty and mischievous temperament.
These dogs usually look like Huskies with a broad head, flatter face, shorter legs, and more muscular bodies.
While these are two very different breeds, one thing they have in common is their playful temperaments. You’ll never be bored with a Bullyhusky!
24. Golden Bully – American Bully x Golden Retriever

If you’re looking for an ultimate family pet, Golden Bully is the best American Bully mix for you.
This pooch is characterized by gold locks of hair, round eyes, and an almost human-like expression on his face. When you add their sturdy bodies to the mix, you’ll get a dog that looks like he’s going to a bench show and a beauty pageant at the same time!
25. Bullyador – American Bully x Labrador Retriever

Bullyador is another amazing American Bully mix that will be well-suited for any type of family.
These adaptable and friendly dogs will befriend anyone, no matter their age or even species! While a bit more aloof than purebred Labradors, these doggies can still get along with most other pets – including cats.
The only issue would be if you were struggling with dog allergies. This dog is both a shedder and a drooler, so it’s as far from hypoallergenic as can be.

Vanja’s passion for writing started at an early age, which is why she pursued Journalism as her college degree. She can research any topic and find all the information before you bat an eye, which is a great thing for her job but a terrible one for her husband.
Even as a young child, she fell in love with everything fluffy – but dogs have a special place in her heart due to her childhood companion, a Corgie named Archie.
Motivated by her experiences and driven by a desire to give back to her four-legged companions, she spends her free time volunteering at a local dog shelter.