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American Bully Vs Pitbull: Are They The Same?

American Bully Vs Pitbull: Are They The Same?

 Hello, fellow dog lovers! Are you interested in solving the American Bully vs Pitbull debate? You’re not the only one! 

Pitbulls and American Bullies are some of the most controversial dog breeds out there. Despite this, they are also very popular. 

However, one of the most common questions I’ve heard both in person and on online forums is how to know whether you’re looking at a Pitbull or an American Bully. 

It is true that the two dogs are quite similar to one another. Some even consider them to be the same breed. Are they right, or are these two entirely separate dogs that have nothing to do with one another?

Let’s find out!

American Bully Vs Pitbull Key Differences 

PitbullAmerican Bully
OriginThe result of crossbreeding
Terrier breeds and Old English Bulldog
A crossbreed of Pitbull 
Height 14 – 24 inches13 – 20 inches, but this can vary
Weight 30 – 80 lbs50 – 100 lbs, but this can vary
Temperament Social, playful, territorialFriendly, playful, gentle
Good with kidsYes, with proper socializationYes, with proper socialization
Good with dogs Sometimes Yes, with proper socialization
Exercise needsHigh Moderate
Trainability High High
Lifespan 8 – 15 years8 – 35 years

Are American Bullies And Pitbulls The Same Breed?

First things first, so we can go on with the American Bully vs Pitbull debate:

Pitbulls and American Bullies are and are not the same breed at the same time. It all depends on what you think Pitbulls are. 

Technically speaking, Pitbull is not a single breed of dog but rather an umbrella term used to describe five Pit types of dogs:

  • American Pit Bull Terrier 
  • American Staffordshire Terrier 
  • American Bulldog
  • Staffordshire Bull Terrier
  • American Bully

As you can see, if we think in that manner, then American Bullies are Pitbulls, and the debate would be over.

However, most people think of American Pit Bull Terriers when they say the word ‘Pitbull’. In this manner, American Bullies and Pitbulls are two different dogs, although they still belong to the same group of canines.

This is what I’ll base my article on.

The History Of The Two Breeds

American Pit Bull Terriers and Bullies are different breeds with different backgrounds, although they still have somewhat similar histories.

Considering how they are closely related, this shouldn’t come as a surprise. Still, their stories have some discrepancies, although the two canines are pretty connected. 

Here is the historical use of the breeds and how they came to be: 



Despite their name, the ancestors of the American Pit Bull Terriers were originally bred in England. The breeders combined the Old English Terriers with Old English Bulldogs to create a dog that was a perfect combination of the Terrier’s drive with Bulldog’s athleticism. 

These dogs were used for blood sports, such as bear and bull baiting until they were banned in 1835. 

In the late nineteenth century, these pups arrived in the United States, where they were used for dog fighting and as catch dogs for semi-wild hogs and cattle. 

The breed was finally recognized in 1898 by the United Kennel Club (UKC) under the name American Pit Bull Terrier. 

In the 20th century, this canine was bred to also be a loyal family companion, especially as dog fighting became banned.

American Bully

American bully

The American Bully is a much newer breed, as its development began in the late 1980s and was completed in the 1990s.

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    The parent breed was the already mentioned American Pit Bull Terrier, but it is believed at least four more breeds were used, such as the American Bulldog and the English Bulldog. 

    The idea was to create a dog that would look more dangerous than the Pitbull but with a calmer and friendlier temperament

    In fact, most of these dogs were never used as fighting dogs due to their lower prey drive and social personality. 

    Today, American Bullies are recognized by the American Bully Kennel Club (ABKC), but no other major kennel club accepts them.

    Physical Differences 

    American Bully vs Pitbull

    At first glance, these two dogs look pretty similar. Both have a broad head with a somewhat flat face, short floppy ears that are usually cropped, and strong bodies.

    However, once you know what to look for, you’ll see they have some clear differences between each other. 


    Pitbulls are medium-sized dogs with a short coat that comes in more than 30 colors.

    Compared to the American Bully, Pitbulls have a light weight and a much slimmer body. They have a deep chest and strong body, and are overall a well-balanced dog. 

    Their height is typically between 14 and 24 inches, and they weigh 30 to 80 lbs – although most will have a weight of around 60-65 lbs. Their size makes them a perfect fit for most family homes.

    All Pitbulls are born with short, floppy ears, but breeders typically crop them before they send them to a new home. The same goes for their tales, which are sometimes docked – although many times, they are left as is.

    American Bully

    American Bullies have a broader build with larger heads and shorter legs. They have a muscular build that gives them an athletic appearance, although their physique is not considered to be balanced. 

    While the average Bully height is between 13 and 20 inches, they weigh more than Pitbulls, considering how they can easily reach 100 lbs

    Still, it’s important to note there are a few different sizes of Bullies, such as:

    • The Micro Bully
    • The Pocket Bully
    • The Standard Bully
    • The Classic Bully
    • The American Bully XL
    • The American Bully XXL 

    While some consider these to be different Bully breeds, they are essentially the same dog but in varying sizes.

    American Bullies are very colorful, and also come in several dozens of shades

    Temperamental Differences 

    American bully

    Next to the physical differences, these pups have somewhat different personalities, mostly due to their backgrounds. 

    These are social and friendly dogs that love humans but can be tricky with other pets.

    Purchasing them from a reputable breeder can help ensure you get a dog with a proper kind of temperament.

    Here’s what you can expect:


    Pitbulls are intelligent dogs that are friendly and loyal to their humans, something all Pitbull lovers would loudly agree upon.

    They are confident, dominant, and playful dogs with high drive, and they’ll always seem to run around and be as active as possible. 

    Despite their loyal personalities, they can exhibit dog aggression, especially if they aren’t socialized on time. 

    American Bully

    American Bullies were bred to be calmer dogs with a lower prey drive, making them much more social and stable. Some people even like to call them couch potatoes!

    They are docile and laid-back and will rarely get upset about anything. 

    As they are the result of trying to calm down Pitbull’s aggression, they are generally considered much easier dogs for beginners. They’ll love their humans more than anything and will do anything to please them. 


    American bully

    As is easy to guess from their temperaments, both these doggies require proper training and early socialization. This might make them a challenge for an average person who doesn’t know how to deal with dominant dogs that prefer to do things their own ways.

    Fortunately for everyone, they are people-pleasers and would do anything to make you happy. They respond well to positive reinforcement but keep in mind that they are also quite sensitive. Yelling and punishments are not good methods and will do more harm than good.

    They are intelligent dogs that will think everything is fun, so their high training needs are easy to meet. 

    You can always contact a professional dog trainer for additional resources and pieces of advice. 


    The grooming needs of these two breeds are pretty much the same. 

    Both have short, straight double coats that are very soft to the touch. Some people think Bullies have silkier coats, calling them velvet hippos

    However, as they have a thick undercoat, they are still known for moderate shedding amounts. 

    If you’re looking for hypoallergenic dogs, you might check out the Poodle Pitbull mix, or any other Poodle mix for that matter. Either way, stay away from purebred Pitties or Bullies, as they can trigger allergies.

    It’s enough to brush them once every few days to keep loose hairs at bay. If you notice any excess shedding in your American Bully or Pitbull, a good idea is to take him to the vet to rule out any dangerous health conditions.

    Don’t go overboard with bathing. While it’s desirable to bathe them every few months (and more often, if necessary), excess bathing can lead to itchiness and damage, as it removes the essential oils from the pup’s skin.

    Finally, make sure teeth brushing and nail clipping are included as a part of their regular grooming routine. 

    Exercise Needs 


    Both of these canines are high-energy dogs with moderate activity levels. 

    However, Pitbulls certainly require more exercise than Bullies. They are the more active of the two, and regular walks will rarely be enough for them. Instead, they’ll need some extensive play sessions, such as long jogs or games of fetch. 

    American Bullies are calmer, so while they still require about an hour of exercise a day, it’s usually enough to take them out for a walk and play some tug of war. 

    Due to their Bulldog genes, too much exercise might even be harmful to Bullies, especially those with flatter faces that might experience some minor breathing problems. 

    Too little exercise is one of the biggest mistakes Pitbull and Bully owners can make. Dogs with pent-up energy can become restless and even aggressive.

    Also, due to their high intelligence, both canines require proper mental stimulation to keep them from becoming bored.

    If they don’t have anything smart to do, they’ll find a way to entertain themselves in a way that isn’t likely to be suitable for you – such as eating your socks or walls or becoming destructive.

    Which One Is A Better Family Pet?

    There are some claims that Pitbulls were bred to be nanny dogs, and they can truly be great with children. 

    However, to be able to leave them alone with little kids safely, they need plenty of socialization and training. Their fighting dog genes can make them quite unpredictable, and this is something you don’t want to risk.

    Also, some Pitbulls are not suitable for staying in homes with other dogs or small animals. Of course, many Pitbulls have plenty of four-legged friends, so this isn’t to generalize. It all comes down to the individual dog’s personality. Still, a chance is there.

    While American Bullies still require plenty of socialization, they are generally much more tame. This makes them a perfect choice for a wider variety of families

    Also, they have a higher chance of befriending other animals in the household, although you still need to be careful when introducing them for the first time. 

    So, while both have plenty of good sides, the American Bully wins this round.

    Which One Is Stronger?


    While this is a question many people ask, it’s ungrateful to talk about comparing the strengths of these two breeds. This might lead to some bad implications, and these amazing breeds don’t need any more bad reputation. 

    In theory, American Bullies have a few advantages, and that is their muscular build and large body mass. 

    However, Pitbulls are also very strong. Also, they tend to be more agile, which can be advantageous. 

    With the bite force that is estimated at between 200 and 305 psi, American Bullies might be considered a bit stronger. Pitbulls, on the other hand, have a bite force that is often estimated at around 235 to 250 psi.

    Still, it’s important to note that there haven’t been enough pieces of research that would test the American Bully’s bite force. 

    Either way, I think it’s fair to say that both dogs are equally strong, which comes pretty useful if you’re keeping them as working dogs. 

    Health Concerns 

    As the breeds are closely related, they share similar health problems. This includes conditions such as:

    • Elbow and hip dysplasia
    • Luxating patella
    • Skin infections
    • Ear infections
    • Eye problems such as cataracts
    • Allergies
    • Certain types of cancer

    Also, they are quite prone to obesity, especially as they’re voracious eaters that don’t know when to stop.

    However, American Bullies seem to be a bit more sickly, as they can also struggle with the brachycephalic syndrome due to their Bulldog ancestry and flat faces. 

    This is why Bullies have a lifespan of up to 13 years, while Pitbulls generally live a few years longer.

    Keep in mind, though, that this varies on many factors. If you purchase from reputable breeders who conduct extensive health checkups, you’re likely to end up with a healthy dog that isn’t likely to get any genetic condition, no matter the breed.

    Finally, with a proper diet and regular vet visits, you can generally help your dog live longer.

    Reputation And Availability 

    American bully

    Sadly, everyone knows about the bad reputation Pitbulls have. This has caused many countries to ban this breed.

    For example, Pitbulls are illegal to own in a large part of Europe and some parts of the US and South America. 47 countries in total have a restriction, a partial or a complete ban on Pitbulls.[1]

    Many of these countries still allow Bullies, although some consider them under the umbrella term Pitbull. 

    The same cannot be said for XL Bullies, which are banned or restricted in many countries, such as the UK. 

    American Bully mixes might be more accepted, although this might vary, as well.

    There are several reasons why these pups were banned. While they can be extremely good-natured, people are aware of their history as fighting dogs

    Not only that, but these dogs are capable of causing a considerable amount of damage when they do express aggression.

    In a way, these bans are a way to say: “Better safe than sorry“.

    Also, it’s important to note that while neither is a recognized breed in the US, as the American Kennel Club (AKC) doesn’t allow registration of any Pitbull breed, the situation isn’t the same worldwide.

    For example, the UKC accepts the American Pit Bull Terrier as a breed, but the same cannot be said for the American Bullies. In fact, the only major canine organization that accepts Bullies is the ABKC.

    Which One Should You Choose?

    So, now that you know all about American Bully vs Pitbull confusion, you might wonder which breed is the better choice.

    The truth is, it all depends on your own preferences, living conditions, and abilities.

    Generally, though, many people consider American Bullies to be a safer option. They have friendlier personalities, making them slightly easier to handle. 

    This isn’t to say that Pitbulls are bad dogs – on the contrary. They are loyal companions that will love all their family members equally. 

    Also, they are more fit for people with active lifestyles compared to much more docile American Bullies. 

    Either way, if you have experience in training strong dogs, as well as some patience, both breeds can be an equal part of your family.


    [1] World Population Review, Countries that Ban Pitbulls, 2024