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Sick And Starving Dog Shows Gratitude To His Rescuer In The Most Adorable Way

Sick And Starving Dog Shows Gratitude To His Rescuer In The Most Adorable Way

There is no word for the cruelty man can express toward animals that are supposed to be their beloved pets. 

Fortunately, the resilience of a dog’s spirit, combined with compassion and love, can be enough to save a life. 

This story is a testament to that. 

Meet Bobbi, a poor puppy that was neglected since birth until a brave rescuer came to help him. 

The Neglect Was Unheard Of

Sick And Starving Dog Shows Gratitude To His Rescuer In The Most Adorable Way

From the youngest age, Bobbi was neglected by his owners. He was kept in captivity without any food or water, and his condition only worsened.

This was a broken, sick dog who never experienced love or affection. 

Things only got worse when his owners abandoned him. While walking on the streets, weak and ill, he was hit by a car. The heartless driver just ran away without checking to see if the dog was alive. 

It was at this time that a kind and compassionate woman called Palmalisa Matarrese knew she had to step in and help.

A Sign Of Gratitude

Sick Stray Dog Did Something Amazing Hoping To Get Adopted

This wasn’t Palmalisa’s first time helping an animal in need, so she knew exactly what had to be done.  

She slowly approached the abandoned pup, knowing how unpredictable dogs could be when those they loved the most caused them pain.

However, Bobbi, as she named the pup, turned out to be one of the kindest souls there is. A dog who never learned what love is placed his head into her hand, showering her with shy kisses of gratitude. 

Palmalisa was Bobbi’s only hope, and both knew that well.  

She couldn’t stop the tears that started running down her face. 

Terrible Injuries

Sick And Starving Dog Shows Gratitude To His Rescuer In The Most Adorable Way

Sadly, the vet had little good news. 

Bobbi’s hind leg was broken during the car accident and healed poorly, leaving him with a permanent limp. He was too weak to walk on his own for more than just a few steps.

Not only that, but he had diarrhea and was severely anemic from the emaciation. 

Also, he was very young – a puppy no older than one year. He grew up without knowing love, yet he was grateful for every kind gesture his rescuers showed him.

Unfortunately, this was not the end of suffering for the poor pup. 

His injuries were so severe he had to undergo two life-saving bladder surgeries. As a result, he was left unable to control his bowel movements.

For a while, it seemed that all was lost. However, both Palmalisa and Bobbi refused to give up.

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    The Recovery Was Slow But Successful

    Sick And Starving Dog Shows Gratitude To His Rescuer In The Most Adorable Way

    For a while, Bobbi was lethargic and refused to eat. He was a heartbroken dog betrayed by humans many times, and he believed this time would be no different.

    Two weeks have passed, and he finally started showing signs of improvement. The recovery was slow, but Palmalisa was certain this brave little pup would make it through.

    He started eating more and sleeping more. He relaxed enough to enjoy cuddle sessions and became stronger on his feet, although he could still make no more than a few trembling steps.

    Sadly, his leg injury left him with a permanent limp, but this didn’t stop him.

    It quickly became clear that this adorable doggie had no desire to give up. 

    The Start Of A New Life

    Sick And Starving Dog Shows Gratitude To His Rescuer In The Most Adorable Way

    After his first month of recovery, Bobbi started walking again. 

    His appetite improved, and he started wagging his tail

    He even found his new best friend in Nina, a beautiful and handicapped miniature Rottweiler. Nina helped Bobbi feel like a dog again, showing him how to play and run around in the garden 

    As time passed, it became clear that Bobbi would make an almost complete recovery. Even his limp and incontinence didn’t seem to bother him too much! 

    At the moment of writing this article, Bobbi is a joyful dog that only has one wish: To find his forever home. 

    Sick And Starving Dog Shows Gratitude To His Rescuer In The Most Adorable Way

    While he has special needs and some unique care requirements, Palmalisa is hopeful he will find a family that will love him for the amazing dog he is. 

    Look at this adorable face of a fighter – isn’t this proof of how love can save a life?

    We wish Bobbi all the best and hope he finds the home he deserves.