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Hilarious Outtakes From The K-9 Photoshoot Go Viral As The Pup Cannot Contain His Love

Hilarious Outtakes From The K-9 Photoshoot Go Viral As The Pup Cannot Contain His Love

Taking photos is quite easy, right? 


If you ask Officer Levi Knach from the Department of Nature Resources and his adorable K-9 companion, there seems to be nothing easy with this task!

Hilarious Outtakes From The K-9 Photoshoot Go Viral As The Pup Cannot Contain His Love

Taking photos with their K-9 partners is quite a mundane task for most officers. These dogs will listen to every command without much fuss and keep a serious face throughout the photoshoot.

Or so people think.

Kenobi, Levi Knach’s beloved K-9 companion, decided that today was not his photography day. Instead of the expected calm and composed pose, this pooch had other plans. 

He couldn’t help but show his human affection by barking happily and attempting to lick the officer’s face. 

And with the pure joy in the pup’s eyes, even Officer Knatch couldn’t stay mad at him! His wide smile can be seen across all photos.  

Hilarious Outtakes From The K-9 Photoshoot Go Viral As The Pup Cannot Contain His Love

The photographs of Kenobi quickly spread around on platforms such as Reddit and Facebook. 

What was thought to be a photoshoot fail ended up being one of the most viral photos of K-9 pups and their human partners. 

Still, this shouldn’t make people think Kenobi is a bad police doggo – quite the opposite. 

Kenobi is cute, but make no mistake – he is a trained, working officer and can track people and locate a variety of objects ranging from venison to ginseng,” Indiana State Parks wrote on a now-deleted post that ended up having more than 2,500 likes.

Hilarious Outtakes From The K-9 Photoshoot Go Viral As The Pup Cannot Contain His Love

The Indiana State Police Patrol K-9 program is almost about to celebrate its 20th birthday, as it was founded in 2005. As of July 2024, they have 29 K-9s on duty. 

At the end, the duo managed to snap a single successful photo, proving that Kenobi is still a professional after all.

In the words of Indiana State Parks: “We are grateful for the work that our ICOs do all over the state to protect and serve people and to conserve our fish and wildlife resources” 

And we couldn’t agree more!

While we are certain Kenobi is a well-deserved retirement, considering how the viral photos seem to be snapped in 2016 or 2017, we wish him good luck in any future endeavors – as well as many kisses and cuddle sessions.