I’m sure all of us who have these beautiful creatures have always wondered how to make Doberman ears stand up without cropping. A lot of people are considering procedures to make their Doby’s ears stand up but don’t know the consequences of these actions.
Dobies are a type of dog known for their lively look, with their ears standing and pointing to the skies. This detail and their naturally commanding strict stance are the most distinct features that we all love and cherish in this species.
But the background of this look is connected to some questionable and controversial procedures that are considered atrocious nowadays.
Is ear cropping necessary in today’s time, and are there any alternative methods to achieve this in a more empathetic way?
Well, you are in the right spot, because we will give you the best advice on how you can achieve this without any cutting. Stick around and find out in the following sections below!
Different Methods For Making Doberman Ears Stand Up
There are a couple of natural methods to achieve Doberman ears that are standing up. Here, I will mention a couple of them that I consider most non-invasive.
Taping Doberman Ears
Veterinarians have developed contemporary natural methods where you can give your beloved Dobie straight ears without barbarian procedures. The first thing that you can try is a process called “taping”.
This process requires medical tape, sports tape, or similar adhesives that will hold the dogs’ ears until they develop the muscles necessary to hold this new normal stance for good.
Taping is done by wrapping the base of each ear and using hypoallergenic tape to prevent irritation, while making sure the puppy is happy and healthy. This is done gently, of course, to avoid disrupting the bloodstream circulation to the ears.
But take notice that this is a longer process which will require a few months of taping. Also, regular checkups are needed for their uncropped ears to make sure that the beloved Dobie has become accustomed to their ear stance.
The procedure takes approximately six to eight weeks, but depending on the dog’s ears, it can take shorter or longer. Patience is the key while the strength of the muscles at the base of the ear increases.
This taping method has become a common practice in the last few years, and it is considered the most humane way to do this right.
The best thing about taping is that the ears of the Doberman will stay healthy and the pup won’t feel as much pain and discomfort, as he would with ear cropping.
In the meantime, you should make regular vet visits for checkups and questions while the dog is in this recovery process.
How Long Do Doberman Ears Have To Be For Successful Taping?
Doberman puppies that have grown in a healthy environment have ears that are naturally on the floppier side, depending on their genetics and overall health. Naturally, puppies will have dog ears that stand up, but this does not last for a long time.
Ears of Dobermans grow as time passes, and some of the dogs will develop big floppy ears. Through selective breeding, this is becoming rarer to the point that it has become a breed standard.
However, depending on the genetics, this process cannot work on all dogs. It is best to find a good vet for more help and info on proper actions.
Training With Elastic Headband
Training is an even less invasive way to get those ears standing up straight but it takes a lot of training exercises.
An elastic headband as support, similar principle to adhesive tapes, will act as a support for dogs ears. This method takes time, much attention, and dedicated care and training until we get the results.
Since the headband is more likely to slip, it is a good idea to use treats as a distraction while you get the headband back into position. But, as I said, this method takes time and effort, and not many owners will have enough willpower to finish appropriately.
If you have problems with keeping up with this method, you can always get a professional trainer to help you with advice and lessons on how to do it properly.
Also, you should consider getting your puppy regular exercise to help strengthen their muscles and proper diet.
While we are on the topic of diet, it is absolutely imperative for all this to work to give your dog high-quality food. With a proper diet, the ears of Dobermans will get the proper nutrients as well as the overall body system and will encourage their ears to stay upright.
Ensuring their ear musculature stays strong and healthy will only be achieved if they get all the diet and training they can get. The coat also benefits from this because the weight and its looseness cause floppy or down-turned inner earlobe leathers.
Even though this seems a really tough challenge, you can also see it as an exciting journey to connect intensely with your Dobie, working together to get that distinctive tower of ears.
Also, the cost of cropping Doberman ears vs. taping and/or elastic headband process is very different. For surgical procedures, you can expect to pay around $600, while non-invasive methods cost around $100 to $200 approximately.
Is Ear Cropping Really Necessary?

In the past, it is known that breeders and owners have been achieving this look by cosmetic surgery of cropping Dobie’s ears, which is quite painful for the Doberman ear anatomy. Are there any benefits to ear cropping in the first place?
Some studies say that it can improve hearing in the ears of Dobermans and reduce the risk of ear infections that can happen because of the excess moisture in their natural floppy ears.
But considering AKC requires ear cropping for Dobermans to be a part of the breed standard, I understand why owners feel like they are required to do this.
If you were wondering how to make Doberman ears stand up without cropping, now you know it is possible to do this naturally.
As I said before, natural and effective methods take time, but provide a humane and cheaper alternative to surgical ear cropping.
Even if you don’t always succeed in this challenge, it is important to know you have tried methods that will not cause puppy pain.
In the end, the decision of whether to crop your Doberman’s ears or not is a personal choice that should be carefully considered and take into account the potential risks and benefits.
Also, share this with other Doberman owners who are wondering whether ear cropping is a good method.

Meet Iram, a devoted veterinarian, passionate dog lover, and current Ph.D. candidate at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Seamlessly blending her roles as a vet and content writer, Iram channels her love for dogs into heartfelt narratives.
Since childhood, Iram nurtured a dream of becoming a vet, a passion that runs deep in her family. Having now fulfilled that dream, she’s eager to share her acquired knowledge. In her writing, Iram not only explores the emotional bond between humans and their canine friends but also integrates her veterinary expertise, offering readers a holistic understanding of their beloved pets.