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The Ultimate Male Vs Female Vizsla Comparison

The Ultimate Male Vs Female Vizsla Comparison

Are you looking for a high-energy breed that can handle both snuggling on the sofa and long runs, but cannot decide on male vs female Vizsla? This is the article for you!

The Hungarian or Magyar Vizsla is known for being an excellent sporting dog and a loyal household companion. It is considered one of the smallest pointer-retriever breeds. Known for the two different colors it comes in, it is probably the best-known Hungarian dog.

Vizsla is a sensitive breed with a calming demeanor and high energy levels. It is best suited for people with a large house and a yard, so you need to have some space if you wish to keep it. 

Let’s explore the fascinating differences between boys and girls of this breed. Get ready for a wonderful journey through this old dog breed.

Male Vs Female Vizsla Visual Differences


If you look into Vizsla standards, you’ll see this is a medium-sized, short-coated hunting dog with a distinguished appearance and a docked tail.

Its coat should be smooth and dense without an undercoat and have a yellow coloring, although a few more colors are permissible.

While each Vizsla will display its unique personality, there are very few physical differences between males and females. Male Vizsla will typically be more full-bodied and solidly built then a female Vizsla.

These differences are driven by fundamental biological differences between a male dog and a female dog, but they are broad generalizations.

Male vizsla size  is around 20-24 inches, and the average weight is 50-65 pounds.

Females are a bit smaller. Their average height is 20-22 inches, and their average weight is 45-55 pounds

Still, you’d hardly be able to notice this difference unless the two were to stand one next to each other.

You can check out our chart of Vizsla sizes to see just how big your Vizsla will get!



Regardless of their gender, Vizslas are friendly, smart, outdoorsy, active, and fun dogs.

Buying a puppy Vizsla is not a good idea if you prefer short walks only. Agility games and trail runs are a couple of things they love and need.

Affectionate and clingy Vizslas are often called “velcro dogs” because of their strong desire to be near their owners.

They are bright and get bored quickly, so patience is a must.  Also, they are excellent swimmers, but some may need a little motivation to get in the water for the first time.

Vizslas love problem-solving, and they are very intelligent. Unless you provide outlets for them to figure things out, they’ll invent their own games and behaviors that often involve finding edible or chewable objects, no matter how well hidden.

Some might even learn to open doors and cupboards! 

Male Vizsla

Male Vizslas are also very high-spirited and lively.

From when they are puppies, male Vizslas are among the sweetest dogs you can encounter. They love pleasing their owners and can even get along with strangers when properly socialized.

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    Moreover, when left alone at home for a while, they can suffer from separation anxiety, so they are not the best choice for people working long office hours. 

    Fortunately, they can get their social needs filled by multiple people and they’ll equally love all of their family members.

    They normally don’t bark a lot, but can be vocal if extremely anxious or scared. Luckily, this won’t be too often, so you’ll keep your good neighborhood relations.

    A couple of things that are common for male Vizslas is that they all enjoy snuggling and cuddling.

    Still, they are a bit more territorial, so without proper training and socialization, they may be more prone to getting into fights with strangers. 

    Female Vizsla

    Female Vizslas are more sensitive than male Vizslas. They are known for being quite moody, especially if left unspayed. 

    These behavioral differences are noticeable from the puppy stage, as they’ll be more temperamental and vocal from day one. Some might even be bossy. 

    These temperamental issues are even more prominent when in heat, and they can even exhibit same-sex aggression. Fortunately, this can be fixed by spaying them on time. 

    Not everything is bad with females, on the contrary. They are also more nurturing and kind and will be a better choice for small children.

    They are more intelligent and quicker to learn, and they are noticeably calmer. While they’ll still need lots of exercise and playtime, they might be easier to handle than males.

    Exercise Requirements


    Another important aspect when considering female vs male Vizsla are their exercise requirements. This can make a huge choice in your decision, as one might be a better fit for your lifestyle.

    Vizslas were bred to be active hunting dogs, so they need lots of physical and mental exercise.

    Individual dogs’ needs vary, but, in general, owners should plan on a minimum of 60 minutes of active exercise daily. Some dogs will need more than that.

    Vizslas can be running or jogging companions, with the younger dogs only running short distances until they reach maturity at 18 or 24 months.

    Due to their intelligence, they are true escape artists. One of the great tools that can help you with that is a proper harness.

    Vizslas have webbed feet, which makes them capable swimmers. However, they don’t have a second insulating coat and can feel the cold more quickly than other dogs. If you take them swimming, make sure they get warm as quickly as possible.

    As I’ve briefly mentioned, Vizsla males tend to be a bit more active than females. They’ll need longer runs and more extensive exercise sessions, which include games of fetch and tug-of-war. 

    Females are slightly more lazy, although they still need their daily exercise. The easiest scenario is to take them jogging with you, as this will allow both you and your dog to have much fun together and to stay fit and healthy. 


    While friendly, Vizslas need lots of training and socialization to be on good behavior. 

    Their intelligence helps them learn new tricks every day, but this is a very sensitive breed. Every little mistake will make them shut down and withdraw!

    Early and outgoing socialization is essential to make sure the dog has the confidence to enjoy activities and training.

    Another issue is their high prey drive. These are hunting dogs, so they might not be a good choice for small pets. You need to teach them self control. Otherwise, they can become a nuisance. This can require lots of patience.

    Vizslas need consistent, positive training starting in puppyhood. Fortunately, they love training and are driven by the attention they receive 

    They also require lots of mental stimulation. Fortunately, with these versatile dogs there are many activities to have fun with, including field trail, hunting tests, obedience, agility, dock diving, and scent work.

    .Female  Vizslas mature a little faster than males, making training easier in the beginning. However, males may be more stubborn initially.

    Nevertheless, both male and female Vizslas respond well to positive training methods. They love to learn and try new things.

    Just remember – you should never yell or be physical with these gentle dogs. They will take everything to heart and become even more introverted than they were before. 

    Positive reinforcement is crucial in helping them be the best dogs possible.

    Which One Is A Better Family Pet?

    As long as your Vizsla has been well socialized from a young age, they should get along with other dogs despite their high prey drive. If you own a dog and want another one, this breed is perfect for you.

    However, I wouldn’t advise keeping them with smaller pets, as this can trigger their hunting instincts.

    Because of their playful nature, they get along really well with older children they can play with. This makes them a perfect choice for a friendly family dog!

    Remember to make sure to recognize your dog’s body language to stop any potentially stressful situations. This is especially necessary if they are to be left alone with young kids. 

    In fact, they’ll thrive in large families, as this allows them to have company all day long. There is nothing a Vizsla hates more than to be lonely, and a large family can help them with just that.

    Male Vizslas are definitely more physically affectionate and clingy than females. However, they are more playful and active, which can put them in trouble with small children. Many bad experiences can happen not because a dog showed aggression but as a result of an accident.

    Female  Vizslas, on a large number of occasions, are more nurturing and kind, and can be very patient with young kids. However, they prefer to have some alone time, so make sure your children know that.

    As you can see, it’s hard to point a finger and say which one is better. It all comes down to your own family and living situation.

    Health Issues 


    Vizslas are an extremely healthy breed, and it’s common for them to have a lifespan of over 14 years. Seeing a fairly healthy old Vizsla is nothing unheard of.

    One of the health issues is hip dysplasia, although careful breeding has kept this problem to a minimum. 

    Some Vizslas are prone to skin and food allergies. Also, they can be sensitive to anesthesia used during surgeries, and it is recommended that the veterinarian use special anesthesia such as fluorine gas.

    Most health conditions are breed-specific and affect both male and female dogs equally. However, there are a few diseases more common to each gender – most notably, those connected with a dog’s reproductive system. 

    For example, female Vizslas might be prone to ovarian or uterine cancer, false pregnancies, and pyometra. They are also more prone to urinary tract infections.

    Similarly, male Vizslas commonly experience prostate disorders such as prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, cancer, and prostate cysts. 

    You can manage some medical issues with exercise and proper diet. Serious issues may require medical intervention.

    It is best to fix your dog on time to minimize these problems.

    As Vizslas age, their needs change. While they may not be as energetic as puppy vizsla, they still require love, care, attention, and short walking sections.

    Consider adding joint supplements after consulting a vet, switch to senior-specific dog food, and schedule more frequent vet check-ups to ensure their good health.

    Female Vs Male Vizsla, Which One Should You Get?


    Ultimately, deciding on male vs female Vizsla can easily be one of the most important decisions you make when choosing a new dog.

    Still, it’s nearly impossible to say that one gender is better than the other. Therefore, it’s best to choose a gender that perfectly suits your needs.

    They will both make good family pets, as well as hunting companions.

    Male Vizslas tend to be more playful and active than females. They are more social, but also more territorial. They tend to make better pets for large families but require more attention and training sessions. 

    Females make better house pets for people with small children, as they have more patience and stronger nurturing instincts. However, they are more independent and might feel crowded in large families.

    So, if you are looking for a protective, sensitive, and emotional dog, a female Vizsla may be better suited, but if you are looking for a gentle, loyal, and fun-loving dog, a male Vizslas is a better fit.

    I am certain, though, that you won’t make a mistake either way!