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17 Adorable Signs Your Dog Is Happy And Loves You

17 Adorable Signs Your Dog Is Happy And Loves You

There’s nothing quite like the bond between an owner and their pup. To make things cuter, there are many signs your dog is happy that he is showing to you without you even realizing it!

Dogs cannot vocalize their feelings, but this doesn’t mean they aren’t communicating with you. From wiggly tails to those big, puppy eyes, they have a special language to let us know how they feel.

Here are 17 cute signs your dog is happy and that he is totally in love with you! 

1. Tail Wagging 

Did you know that, in some movies, they had to replace a dog’s tail with CGI as they were wiggling it in a happy manner even though they were supposed to play an aggressive dog or a guard dog? 

It’s true that a wagging tail is one of the main signs your dog is happy or excited, especially when his entire body is wiggling with it!

Just keep in mind that a wagging tail can also be a sign of stress, agitation, or curiosity. Keep a close eye on your dog’s entire body language. If the pup’s entire body is dancing together with the tail in a playful way, he is as joyous as can be. 

2. Soft Gaze 

Eye contact is yet another important way animals communicate with you, no matter if you have a dog or a cat. 

The inquisitive looks you and your dog share after a long playdate is a sure sign your pup is happy and that you two have a positive relationship. And if your dog does a head tilt – he really adores you! 

3. Smiley Face

It’s true that some dogs seem to always have a smile on their face. Soft eyes, combined with an open mouth and smiley lips, are one of the truest signs of happiness your pooch can give to you. 

Some breeds, such as Pitbulls or American Bullies, always appear to be smiling. The smile is rare in others, but they still choose to give it to their favorite people. 

4. Floppy Ears   

Yes, I know, dogs have many ear shapes, and not all ears can truly be floppy, especially if you’ve cropped your dog’s ears for numerous reasons. Still, the position of the dog’s ears can tell you a lot about your pup’s emotional state.

Relaxed ears that aren’t upright, especially if combined with smiles and soft looks, indicate that your dog is in a good mood. 

On the other hand, ears that are pulled in front or back are signs of an unhappy dog or a pooch that is stressed out and aggressive.

5. Happy Dance  

Does your dog do a happy dance when you come home? You know what I’m talking about – that fast jumping from paw to paw while doing a happy wag, open mouth, and maybe even a happy bark. This means your dog loves you and is extremely happy to see you!

Such a dance can also mean your dog is happy and excited. This may happen when you are holding a ball over his head or when he’s getting belly rubs. 

Your pooch loves sharing fun activities with you, and one of the ways he’ll show you just how much he’s enjoying your company is by appearing as happy as can be!

6. Proper Sleep Schedule

Did you know that a dog’s sleep schedule can let you know whether your dog is happy? If your dog is having lots of sleep, especially with you around, this means he is feeling relaxed and secure in your company.

Dogs can only sleep in a safe space. This means you are providing them with exactly that.

Also, happy dogs will spend lots of their time doing various physical activities, such as walking, running around, or playing fetch. Once they’re done with all that fun, they’ll need more sleep to regain their energy, so they’ll pass out asleep on your couch or kitchen floor. 

Sure, the amount of sleep greatly depends on his size and dog breed. You’ll know they are happy as they won’t be pacing around the house, and instead, they will want to sleep the moment they are calm.

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    Opposite of that, dogs that are sleeping badly and are constantly waking their pet parents in the middle of the night might be unhappy. This might also be an indication of some health problems.

    7. Play Bow   

    Play bow is just one of those doggy things you might’ve noticed your furry friend doing. A dog will bow his front legs, his butt will be up in the air, and his tail will be doing a happy wag. This means he is excited and ready to play!

    If you see your pooch doing this movement quite often, he is having quality time and is as happy as a dog can be.

    8. Good Behavior During Walks

    We all know dogs can be somewhat mischievous. From rolling in poop to chasing squirrels, they always find something funny to do, especially outdoors. This is pretty normal behavior, and every dog will do it from time to time.

    However, if your dog is running towards you every time you call, this means he finds you cooler than whatever it is that has captured his attention in the first place. Isn’t this an amazing compliment?

    9. A Healthy Appetite 

    Eating behavior is also important for determining whether your dog is happy or not. A dog that eats properly is a happy and healthy pup.

    This doesn’t necessarily mean that a dog will eat a lot. Each dog has its own individual eating habits. However, if they suddenly change, especially if your dog loses appetite, this can indicate your dog is under some kind of stress or that his mental needs are not being met.

    10. Zoomies  

    All dogs, especially puppies, get zoomies! And yes, zoomies are one of the main signs your dog is happy.

    When a dog experiences that sudden burst of playful energy, he is letting you know that he is enjoying life. If you pay close attention to your pooch, you might notice he is showing other signs of happiness, such as tail wagging and a play bow. 

    11. Happy Barks  

    Dogs might also bark when they are feeling happy – but this will be a short, high-pitched bark that is quite different from a long-lasting, agitated vocalization. 

    Just make sure to closely inspect the rest of your dog’s body and look for other signs. Otherwise, you might wrongly interpret this behavior, as many types of barks are quite similar.

    12. Herding

    If you own a Corgi, Border Collie, or some other herding dog, they try to shepherd you from time to time. 

    Don’t get this the wrong way. They are simply being protective because they love you, and you make them happy! 

    13. Happy Sigh

    If your pup comes to you, sits in your lap, and lets that happy sigh, this is a sure sign he is content and filled with joy. 

    Sure, this might also sound as if your dog is just letting you know how tired he is. Still, isn’t it the cutest sound you’ve heard?

    14. They Follow You

    Are you having a velcro dog that is not leaving your side? Well, he is probably happy to be around you and doesn’t want that happiness to stop!

    Some dogs are more prone to this behavior than others. Still, no dog will do this unless he or she is extremely joyful to have you around.

    While adorable, I would advise you not to support this kind of behavior in pups. Dogs that are too clingy might develop separation anxiety, a pathological behavior that will make your dog stressed out whenever you are not around. 

    These dogs might express some destructive behaviors, such as biting walls or pieces of furniture, whining and barking, and even eating their own poop!

    15. Licking You

    Some people love it when dogs lick their faces. Others absolutely hate it. 

    Still, this is one of the clearest signs your dog loves you and is thankful for your presence. You give him a happy life, and he is greatly appreciating it. 

    16. Bringing Presents

    When it comes to pets bringing presents, cats are typically associated with this behavior. If your dog starts bringing you his favorite squeaky toys or treats, this means he considers you his best friend. 

    No unhappy dog will ever think about bringing you gifts! This is a truly special behavior dogs only do to those who are a joy to be around. It’s as if they’re telling you you’re a part of their pack and you should feel honored.

    17. Cuddling

    Only a loving and grateful dog will come to cuddle with you. This is one of the biggest signs your dog is happy, and your dog is letting you know you make their life more beautiful. 

    A dog who is happy will love to be close to a person who makes them feel that way. They might put their paws on you or just want to sit on your lap. Some people might not even be able to sleep alone in the bed anymore!

    You might love this behavior or find it annoying, but you cannot deny it’s so darn cute!