8 Imposing Bullmastiff Mixes Here To Love And Protect You

8 Imposing Bullmastiff Mixes Here To Love And Protect You

The Mastiff x German Shepherd


The Mastiff Shepherds are protective, loyal, and great with families.  

The Rottweiler x Mastiff


Rottweiler Bullmastiffs are highly protective, family-friendly, and intelligent breeds, too.  

The Golden Retriever x Mastiff


They are affectionate, loyal, and good with children, making them excellent family dogs.  

The Lab x Mastiff 


They have a friendly nature and are energetic and loyal, making them great family dogs.  

The Great Pyrenees x Mastiff


They are huge and magnificent animals that combine the protective instincts of both breeds. 

The American Bulldog x Mastiff


These dogs are powerful, protective, and loyal, making them perfect guard dogs or family protectors. 

The Boxer x Mastiff 


When well-socialized, they make great family pets, are good with kids, and usually get along well with other pets.

The Husky x Mastiff 


Bullskys are loyal and protective like Bullmastiffs and have a friendly plus active nature like Huskies.