7 Dalmatian Colors And Their Surprising Varieties

Black and white Dalmatians are the standard coat color for this breed.

Black Dalmatian 

Blue Dalmatians are the result of recessive color dilution genes. These genes dilute any black pigment to a specific blueish-gray color.

Blue Dalmatian

Liver Dalmatians will commonly have hazel or honey-colored eyes instead of the dark brown that is standard for black dogs.

Liver Dalmatian

As their name suggests, tri-colored Dalmatians have a white base coat with spots that are in two colors.

Tri-colored Dalmatian

This coat color occurs when liver Dalmatians have unique spots that have light centers and dark edges.

Two-tone Dalmatian

Mosaic Dalmatians are tri-colored Dalmatians but with a twist. They’ll usually have black spots, but with one or two liver spots on their coats.

Mosaic Dalmatian

Did you know that all Dalmatians are born solid white? Their recognizable spots don’t appear until they are around two weeks of age.

White Dalmatian