The 7 Gorgeous German Shepherd Colors (With Pictures)

The Black German Shepherd

The dark coat, fully black German Shepherds are not an everyday sight. 

The White German Shepherd

If you ever saw a white German Shepherd, you might have even though it was a white Golden Retriever with upright ears. 

The Albino German Shepherd

Albinos are an extraordinary sight not only among German Shepherds but also in other dog breeds and species. 

The Liver German Shepherd 

This shade looks more like a washed-out red color that turns amber and brown in certain places. 

The Isabella German Shepherd

This shade results from breeding one liver and one blue German Shepherd. 

The Black And Tan German Shepherd

The face and back of the GSD in black are already characters of black and tan coloring.

The Silver German Shepherd

Silver is recognized as a different color from gray, even though they both derive from the same type of genes.