5 Shetland Sheepdog Mixes Here To Steal Your Heart 

The Sheltie x German Shepherd Mix

They are ready to be your best friend, confidante, and sidekick in all things fun and furry.  


The Sheltie x Poodle Mix

Blending cream-of-the-crop features of an elegant Sheltie and an intelligent Poodle. 


The Sheltie x Beagle Mix

This delicate mix marries the intelligence and grace of a Sheltie with the playfulness and curiosity of a Beagle. 


The Sheltie x Bichon Frisé Mix

The dog’s spirit and affection are combined with natural ability and grace to create an elegant, fun-loving breed. 


The Sheltie x American Eskimo Mix

This beautiful mixture combines all the intelligence and agility.
