There’s nothing worse than an underweight dog, especially if this dog is an American Bully, a breed known for its muscular bodies. Understanding American Bully growth stages and American Bully weight charts can help you see whether your pooch is as large as he should be.
Your pup’s size can tell you several things about your pet, including his health condition. This is why it’s important to understand how big do American Bullies get and whether your pooch is of adequate size and weight for his age.
Let’s see everything there is to know about American Bully growth stages and factors that might affect your family companion’s size.
American Bully Growth Chart
Age | Weight | Height |
1 month | 5 – 8 lbs | 4 – 6 inches |
2 months | 8 – 15 lbs | 6 – 9 inches |
3 months | 12 – 25 lbs | 8 – 12 inches |
4 months | 16 – 35 lbs | 10 – 14 inches |
5 months | 20 – 45 lbs | 12 – 16 inches |
6 months | 30- 60 lbs | 14 – 18 inches |
7 months | 40 – 70 lbs | 16 – 20 inches |
8 months | 50 – 100 lbs | 18 – 22 inches |
9 months | 60 – 120 lbs | 20 – 23 inches |
10 months | 70 – 130 lbs | 21 – 23 inches |
11 months | 75 – 140 lbs | 21 – 23 inches |
12 month | 80 – 150 lbs | 21 – 23 inches |
American Bully Growth Stages
American Bullies, just like all other dogs, don’t grow at an equal rate throughout their lifetime.
Their growth is typically faster during puppyhood, which is when most changes appear. This is also the time during which your pup should gain the most weight.
Once your pup reaches adult weight, the changes should be less obvious and slower.
Let’s get to the American Bully growth stages so that you can stay in touch with your pup’s progress!
And keep in mind: It’s not the end of the world if your pup grows a bit slower or faster than the average. Some dogs need more time to blossom, and that is okay.
However, if the discrepancies are rather large, you might want to contact your vet to rule out some underlying health problems.
0-4 Weeks

During the first month of their lives, American Bully puppies are in the delicate neonatal phase. They fully depend on their mother and rely on her for support and feeding.
Pups are almost entirely blind until they reach 3 weeks of age. This isn’t the right time for socialization, but most breeders will start deworming their pups to ensure good gut health.
Also, don’t expect much activity from your pup at this age. Your Bully puppy is likely going to be sleeping and eating most of the time.
1-2 Months
This is the time when a puppy will become more active. Your American Bully’s eyes should open by the time he is one month old, and his hearing will improve. You’ll likely notice him moving his ears towards you when you’re speaking or calling him.
During this period, they should wean off their mother’s milk and start eating solid foods.
This is when American Bully puppies will become curious and interested in the world around them. They will start exploring and mimicking the behaviors of their littermates.
Finally, this is the time when you (or the breeder) should start socialization. Your puppy should be introduced to other animals and humans so he’ll get accustomed to various creatures, signs, and activities from an early age.
Also, no reputable breeder will allow you to take your new puppy home before this development stage is over.
2-3 Months
Most of the time, new Bully owners will take their puppy home when they are 8 weeks (or two months) old.
This is because, by this time, they should’ve grown big and strong enough not to depend on their mothers. Also, they should’ve completed their first set of vaccines so they can socialize properly outside of the kennel.
During this period, you should expose your Bully to as many sounds and situations as possible. The sooner he gets accustomed to various things, the better. Otherwise, he might develop some aggressive tendencies or behavioral problems.
Just remember: While your American Bully might seem hyperactive, and he’ll want to go on long walks and play sessions, take it slow. His joints aren’t fully developed yet, so you’re risking serious injuries and growth problems if you go overboard.
The good news is that, by this time, you should be able to guess your American Bully’s color!
3-4 Months
After your pup is three months old, the initial growth spur will halt, although he’ll still seem to grow rather fast. However, by this time he might resemble a small dog and not just a helpless puppy.
Before your pooch is four months old, he should properly develop all of his senses. His temperament will probably show, and he’ll experience more weight gain than growth in height.
This is the perfect time to start those training sessions! Just keep in mind that your pup is a teenager with a rather short attention span. Make sure to train him in short sessions and to stick to positive reinforcements.
4-6 Months

Don’t be surprised if your American Bully becomes a menace at this time! This is when their curiosity is at its peak. They’ll see what they get away with, and they’ll do it all the time.
It’s essential to continue socialization and training during this time. This is an important development period, and you mustn’t let your dog’s mischievous nature, combined with cuteness, trick you into letting him have his way.
Also, many Bullies will reach sexual maturity before they are six months old, so be wary. Female dogs might have their first heat at this time, while male pups will start looking for females.
This is also the time when you should start switching to adult food. Check out the American Bully feeding chart, as this can give you a better idea about feeding your puppy and the transition process.
Around this time, your dog should already be close to the ideal weight and height.
6-12 Months
When he turns one year old, your pup should reach the average American Bully size that is according to the breed standard. They’ll have plenty of muscle mass and obtain the typical body build they are known for.
As their growth rate will slow down and, finally, entirely stop around this time, it’s essential to make sure your pup is having proper nutrition and enough exercise. Otherwise, he might experience significant weight gain – and having an overweight dog is never a good idea.
Since your pup’s development will finally be over, you can start taking him on long walks and give him extensive workout sessions.
Congratulations! Your dog has grown from a puppy to a perfect adult doggie.
Differences In American Bully Sizes
Before we go any further, it’s essential to clear up one thing that might cause confusion in dog lovers.
There are several bully breeds, and their size differs quite a bit. The chart I haven given to you is used for the largest Bully variety, as this is when
According to the American Bully Kennel Club (ABKC), there are four types of American Bullies:
- Pocket Bully
- Classic Bully
- Standard Bully
- XL Bully
Some breeders might include a few more sizes, such as Extreme Bullies, XXL Bullies, or Micro Bullies. However, these sizes aren’t recognized by the ABKC, and these pups might be crossbred, inbred, or runts of the litter.
All dogs are listed as Standard until they reach one year of age. Then, they will be placed in a specific size category.
Also, keep in mind that different kennel clubs recognize different breed variations. For example, the United Kennel Club (UKC) only recognizes one American Bully size and considers all other sizes to be faulty.

Pocket Bullies are a smaller variety of the American Bully. While not small-sized dogs, the size difference between them and other types of Bullies is rather significant.
The average female height of these dogs is 13 – 16 inches, while males are a bit taller, and stand at the height of 14 – 17 inches. Their average weight is between 10 and 20 pounds.
Despite their smaller stature, they still have the typical body shape and muscle mass of standard Bully dogs.
Don’t confuse Pocket Bullies with Micro Bullies, as these two are not the same. Micro Bullies are not recognized by the breed club, and are typically considered undesirable by most reputable breeders.
Standard American Bullies are the typical Bully dogs and the oldest existing type.
They were first bred in the 1990s, and they were designed to be a show version of the American Pitbull Terrier.
By giving these dogs more muscle mass, a big head, and a bit shorter legs, they have visually improved the standard Pitbull’s appearance – at least according to the original Bully breeders.
The average height of females is between 15 and 20 inches, and the ideal female weight is 40 to 80 lbs.
Males typically reach 16 – 21 inches in height, and they weigh a bit more than females, as they can reach up to 90 lbs.
As you can see, height and weight are some of the significant differences between male and female Bullies.
Many people confuse standard and classic Bullies, and, honestly, it’s easy to see why. Not only do their names basically mean the same, but they appear rather similar at first glance.
Classic American Bullies are Bullies that fall within the same height range as standard Bullies but have a lighter build and less muscle mass.
Some experts believe they were created by breeding standard Bullies with American Pit Bull Terriers or American Staffordshire Terriers, as they look more similar to these Pitbull breeds than to a typical Bully.
As such, it isn’t surprising for them to weigh a bit less than standard American Bullies.
XL Bully

XL Bullies are the largest of all types of American Bullies. These dogs fall into the higher range of middle-sized dogs, and some people find them rather intimidating.
XL American Bully females have a healthy weight of 100 to 140 lbs, standing at around 19 – 22 inches in height.
Males are even larger, and they can reach 23 inches in height, and they typically weigh between 110 and 150 lbs.
XL Bullies were bred to be family pups and not working dogs. This is why, despite their scary appearance, they are actually rather friendly and social.
Of course, this doesn’t mean you should skip socialization and proper training.
When Do American Bullies Stop Growing?
Now that you know how big your doggie will be, you might be wondering, When will my American Bully stop growing?
Most medium-sized dogs, including American Bullies, will stop growing younger than their larger counterparts.
American Bullies will have their growth spur until they are about 6 months old. Then, their growth will slow down; they will usually reach the average height and weight of an American Bully by the time they are one year old.
However, this doesn’t mean that they’ll stop growing entirely. Depending on their nutrition, health, and genetics, their muscles and bones will keep on developing throughout their life, so their bodies might change a little bit.
Still, any significant weight change in dogs older than a year should be a sign to take your pooch to the vet.
Factors That Affect American Bully’s Growth Rate
There are several different factors that might affect a puppy growth rate, as well as adult height and weight.
Here is why your furry friend might not be developing at the same speed as his peers:
Genetics plays the most important factor in a dog’s size.
If your Bully’s parents are tall and heavy, chances are your puppy will grow to be a large dog.
Similarly, if he originates from two runts of the litter, he will stay on the smaller size.
There’s even an option of DNA testing that can help you find out the growth potential your pup has! While these tests typically aren’t cheap, they can help you understand your dog’s growth rate better.
Contact your vet to see if they perform these types of tests.
A balanced diet is the key to your dog’s development. A dog that doesn’t get all the necessary nutrients will grow much slower than his littermates that have eaten properly from puppyhood.
Give your dog a healthy diet full of essential nutrients. If you want your American Bully to grow fit, make sure he is getting the right amount of proteins, carbs, and fats.
Also, don’t go overboard with food, as this can make your dog overweight. Not to mention how an improper diet can shorten your pup’s life expectancy!
Physical Activity
All creatures need physical activity to grow tall and stay fit, and American Bullies are no different.
By providing your pups with enough exercise, you can ensure they reach their healthy weight and height on time and prevent many health problems.
Once again, this doesn’t mean you should go overboard. As mentioned earlier, if you force your dog to go on too many long exercise sessions, his bones might not develop properly. This can negatively affect his growth rate.
Finally, some health issues can also affect the dog’s growth. From nutrient deficiency and developmental problems to various intestinal parasites, any health condition your pup develops at an early age might halt his development.
This is why it’s essential to take your puppy to the vet if you notice he isn’t growing at the proper rate.
There are also several growth disorders your American Bully might develop if he grows too fast, and these include:
- Hip dysplasia
- Elbow dysplasia
- Walking difficulties
- Muscle wasting
- Bowed legs
- Abnormal posture
- Obesity
Why Is My American Bully Head Small?
American Bullies are known for their muscular bodies and large, broad heads. Naturally, if you see your Bully’s head being smaller than you expected it to be, you’ll grow quite concerned.
If your Bully is still not fully grown – don’t worry. His head will keep on growing, and it’ll likely be of the right size once he becomes an adult.
However, if he is already an adult and his head is still small, this is likely the result of irresponsible breeding.
Some breeders will choose dogs that are not up to the breed standard for their breeding programs. This will result in puppies that don’t look the part.
This doesn’t necessarily mean there is anything else wrong with your pup. However, if the breeder had chosen improper parents, chances are they are carrying the genes for some genetic disorders, as well.
Who knows – maybe your pup is an American Bully mix instead of a purebred dog!
Tips To Help Your Bully Grow
If you have noticed your pooch isn’t growing fast enough, and your veterinarian has assured you that there is nothing wrong with him, don’t panic. There are still several tips and tricks that can help your Bully grow tall and strong.
A few tested strategies are:
- Feed them proper foods with enough fat and protein that will help build their muscles. Look for food formulas for larger dogs, as these typically have what your Bully needs.
- Look for supplements that can help a dog grow. Remember to consult with your veterinarian before making any changes or additions to your dog’s diet.
- Give your pooch a 30-minute walk at least once a day (twice would be preferable).
- Make sure your pup has been vaccinated and dewormed on time to prevent him from getting sick during crucial development stages.
- Don’t force a young puppy to walk too long too soon.
Final Words
Now you know everything about American Bully growth stages!
These muscular dogs have an impressive appearance, so it’s understandable you might be concerned if their growth seems a bit slow.
Most of the time, just because you think a young dog is smaller than others of his breed isn’t a reason to panic. Just like us, some Bullies will simply grow at a slightly different pace, and that is okay – as long as they reach the size of their “average” peers by the time they are fully grown.
Still, it’s a good idea to check with your vet if you think there is anything out of the ordinary. Sometimes, slow growth can indicate there is something wrong with your pup, and it’s better to be safe than sorry.
Good luck in raising your Bully pup!

Vanja’s passion for writing started at an early age, which is why she pursued Journalism as her college degree. She can research any topic and find all the information before you bat an eye, which is a great thing for her job but a terrible one for her husband.
Even as a young child, she fell in love with everything fluffy – but dogs have a special place in her heart due to her childhood companion, a Corgie named Archie.
Motivated by her experiences and driven by a desire to give back to her four-legged companions, she spends her free time volunteering at a local dog shelter.