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Dudley Labrador Is The Pink Nosed Doggo Everyone Loves 

Dudley Labrador Is The Pink Nosed Doggo Everyone Loves 

Labrador Retrievers are some of the most popular dogs out there, and they can hardly be any more loved than they already are. But what if I told you about Dudley Labradors? 

Labs are more colorful doggies than you might’ve guessed. And no, I don’t mean just their coats. There are more features than one that can make various types of Labradors different from one another. Dudley Labs are one of them. 

What peculiar information is there about Dudley Labradors? And are all Labradors with pink noses Dudleys? Here’s what you need to know! 

What Is A Dudley Labrador Retriever? 


Dudley sounds like a fine name for a Lab, doesn’t it? 

Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but no, this isn’t a famous Lab with a unique name. In fact, this isn’t even a single dog, but rather a type of Labrador you might not come across every day. 

Dudley Labrador Retrievers might look just like any other Lab at first glance. However, instead of black noses, their noses are pink

This Dudley nose makes them stand out from the rest, and it gives them a one of a kind appearance not commonly found in Retriever dogs. 

In fact, the reason why their noses are pink is because they are stripped of pigment. The same goes for the dog’s lips, paw pads, and eye rims. 

It’s important to note that this lack of pigmentation doesn’t affect these pups in any way, shape, or form. Other than their nose color, they still have all the standard physical and temperamental traits of a Labrador Retriever. 

Are All Pink-Nosed Labs Dudleys?

As mentioned, Dudleys are standard Labs with pink noses. This means that any Labrador with a pink nose is considered a Dudley. 

However, some people think this term can be used for more types of dogs. They also consider pups with liver or brown noses to be Dudleys. 

While this can be up for debate, one thing isn’t: Any Lab with a pink nose is a Dudley, and that one’s for sure. 

Where Do Dudley Labradors Come From? 


As mentioned, Dudley Labradors are a variation of standard Labrador Retrievers. They are known for their discolored noses and lighter eyes, two features that set them apart from other Labs.

Their name stems from the town of Dudley in England. According to numerous reports, this is the location where these pups were initially bred, although this still isn’t proven. 

It is believed these pups first appeared in the early 20th century, although they were considered faulty.  However, they gained some popularity in the 1970s, when breeders all across the US started intentionally promoting and multiplying these Labrador puppies. 

Today, Dudley Labradors can be found in almost any part of the world where you have standard Labs. They are a popular choice for everyone looking for loyal canine companions and can even be an excellent first dog. 

There is another defining trait in these pups. All of them have a yellow coat color. If a dog has other shades on its hairs, he or she won’t be considered a Dudley.

This is due to specific genetics Dudley Labs have.

Can Your Dudley Lab Be AKC Registered?

While Dudley Labradors are considered purebred, they are not accepted by any major canine organization, such as the American Kennel Club (AKC). This means you cannot buy them to be show dogs, and they cannot participate in conformation shows. 

While this pup is simply a yellow Lab with a pink nose, you won’t be able to register your Dudley Lab puppy nor get an official breeding license.

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    This doesn’t mean they aren’t good dogs. They simply cannot become champions in the ring. However, they still make excellent family companions.

    It’s important to keep in mind that the AKC will rarely accept any rare Labrador Retriever color. This is so they can keep the breed standard and ensure Lab pups look the part. Just because they are not recognized doesn’t mean they are bad or unhealthy.  

    Labrador Nose Color Genetics


    Unlike a few other types of Labradors that I’ll talk about in a minute, Dudley Labs have a permanent pink nose. This is because they lack melanin in the skin and nose areas.

    Melanin is a pigment that gives color to Lab’s hair and skin, which also includes the nose area. 

    In general, all Labs are born with pink noses that should become darker over the first few weeks. As the time passes, their noses should turn entirely black or brown.

    However, this doesn’t happen in Dudley Labs, and their noses remain pink.

    These differences in color are not just the result of the amount of pigment but also its density. 

    Let me explain this in the easiest way possible. 

    A dog, and any other living being for that matter, inherits genes from both of its parents. These genes determine almost all factors, including a dog’s coat and nose color. 

    Certain genes determine coat colors. Others can further affect it. For example, if a dog has a gene for a black coat but also a liver dilution gene, all black pigment on his body will become liver or chocolate color. This is how you get chocolate Labradors. 

    However, this particular dilution gene only affects black coats. If a dog has any other color, it will remain unaffected and express itself in its pure form. 

    Dudley Labs have a liver dilution gene that turns the black pigment into a chocolate color while also having a yellow coat color. This results in a yellow dog with a pink or flesh-colored nose and hazel eyes. 

    In other words, it’s not that only the nose pigmentation has been affected, considering how the gene dilutes eye rims, eye color, paw pads, and lips. It’s simply that the nose is the most noticeable one. 

    Are Dudley Labradors Albino? 

    As albino dogs are known for having white hair, light eyes, and light skin, some people might think Dudley Labs have some type of albinism

    This, however, isn’t the case. Albinism strips the dogs of all pigmentation; it doesn’t simply dilute the existing color and make it lighter.

    This can also be noticed in the shade of the nose itself. The pink color in Labs with albinism is much lighter and brighter, while Dudley Labs have a nose that is much deeper and earthier. 

    Not only that, but dogs with albinism have to have a white coat and light blue eyes with a red tint. Even if you were to overlook their bright pink noses, they simply don’t look anything similar to Dudleys!

    Other Nose Colors In Labradors

     Thanks to the Labrador pigmentation genetics, Labs can have a nose that comes in a few different colors – although not all are accepted by the American Kennel Club.

    The standard nose color in Labradors is black. All ‘proper’ yellow and black Labrador Retrievers have it, and there can be no variations. 

    The only exception is the chocolate Labrador, which has a brown or chocolate nose. This is because these doggos carry the same dilution genes as Dudley puppies, but as they have the genetics for a black coat, their coats are also diluted.

    Any other nose color, or even a chocolate nose on yellow dogs, is not up to the breed standard. These pups can still participate in hunting championships, but they can never be proper show dogs. 

    Coat Colors Of Dudley Labradors 

    Pink or brown noses can occur in several coat colors. The only exception is the black Labrador – although they can have their noses turn pink for several other reasons, but more on that later. 

    However, not all of these pups can be considered Dudleys. In fact, only a yellow Labrador with a pink nose can be considered a Dudley. 

    All other dogs are simply considered one of the many Lab colors. Some pretty non-standard combinations can even indicate you’re looking into one of many Labrador Retriever mixes

    Dudley Labrador Temperament


    There have been some rumors that a dog’s coat color might affect its temperament. Some people, for example, believe that a brown dog is more aggressive than other coat colors, while yellow pups are friendlier. 

    Others think Dudleys are not real Labradors and that their temperament might differ from true Labs.

    Well, I am pleased to say that none of this is true. While their physical characteristics are a bit different from standard pups, Dudley Labradors have the same pleasant temperament all Labrador Retrievers share

    They are friendly, social, and intelligent dogs that make amazing family companions. A Dudley labrador puppy will think everyone is his friend!

    These pups are extremely loyal to their owners, and their unique looks can make them a center of attention no matter where you go. 

    These loving family pets are also very active, with high energy needs. They need regular exercise and mental stimulation to keep them from getting bored. 

    Also, don’t forget about training! While their friendly personalities might make you think they are obedient on their own, this isn’t the case. Each dog has a mind of his own, and you need to teach them to listen to you.

    Positive reinforcements are a crucial part of dog training, especially considering how food-driven these pups are. 

    Never punish or yell at your Dudley Labrador. This can make him scared and unwilling to cooperate. Not to mention how it can result in some bad behaviors.  

    Health Problems Of Dudley Labradors 

    Due to their specific nose color and genetics, some owners believe Dudley Labs are more sickly than standard ones. 

    Luckily, this isn’t the case. They are prone to the same health issues as any other Labradors, and they have the same chances of getting them

    This includes health conditions such as:

    As they’re voracious eaters, these doggies are also prone to obesity, which can further lead to many other issues, including diabetes. 

    To make sure they live long and happy lives, make sure to provide them with a proper diet and regular exercise. A Labrador Retriever feeding chart can help you with this. 

    Finally, if you’ve wondered how long do Dudley Labradors live, I’ve got good news: Their lifespan is not impacted by their genetics whatsoever! In fact, they have the same life expectancy as any other Labrador, which is around 10 to 12 years

    In other words, they are simply Labradors whose physical characteristics come with a unique twist instead of a standard pigmentation! 

    Just be careful – as these pups are not accepted by the AKC, there is a higher chance you might run into a bad breeder who doesn’t conduct proper health screening. 

    While these people will often sell dogs that are more affordable than standard pups, their Dudley Labrador puppies also have a greater chance of coming with some health condition.

    Are Dudley Labradors Rare?


    Dudley Labs are a rare find. Not many of them exist, and there are several reasons behind this. 

    First of all, they were considered undesirable for quite a while, so they weren’t intentionally bred. Even now many breeders will refuse to breed Dudley Labs, considering how they can never participate in AKC championships. 

    Next, their unique genetic combination can make them somewhat challenging to breed, which further adds to their rarity. 

    Finally, some people think their nose color is the result of an illness, so they refuse to buy them, thinking they’re dealing with a sickly dog.

    In recent years, however, as the popularity of dogs with a unique twist grows, Dudley Labradors are becoming more widespread.  

    Dudley Labrador Costs

    Lastly, if you’re thinking about getting yourself a Dudley Labrador, you might be wondering whether you need to spend more money on them than you would on a standard Labrador.

    Still, most breeders who specialize in Dudley Labs sell them at the same price as any other standard Lab, or maybe a slightly higher cost. 

    The average price of these pups is between $700 and $1500, and it shouldn’t be much higher considering how they cannot be champion dogs. 

    Some breeders are selling these pups at a much lower price – often asking for as low as $150 for a puppy. 

    However, most of these people are backyard breeders or puppy mills that don’t invest any money in breeding.

    Proper breeders will pay for genetic health tests and have many other expenses so they can produce dogs of the best quality possible. They simply cannot sell their puppies for next to nothing as this would result in losing their money. 

    Don’t risk paying a low initial price just so you end up spending thousands at the vet’s office. It’s always better to stay safe than sorry. 

    Finally, know this: A Dudley Labrador will make some of the best pets you can ever find. I am certain you won’t make a mistake by choosing this pup.