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Male Vs Female Boston Terrier And Which One To Choose

Male Vs Female Boston Terrier And Which One To Choose

Are you looking to buy your new family dog but aren’t certain how to choose between a male vs female Boston Terrier? If you’ve answered with “yes,” this article is for you.

Known as the American Gentleman, the Boston Terrier is one of the most popular American Breeds. This small dog is beloved by everyone and is commonly used as a pet both in rural and urban locations. 

While this adorable pooch is a great choice for most families, it’s essential to choose a dog that is the right fit for you – and this includes choosing the proper gender.

BT’s sex can be more important than we might initially think. To an extent, it can affect a dog’s appearance, temperament, and even health. 

Here’s everything you need to know about the differences between male and female Boston Terriers and which one might be a better choice for you.

Male Vs Female Boston Terrier Quick Overview

Male Female
Height15 – 17 ins10 – 15 ins
Weight10 – 25 lbs9 – 20 lbs
TemperamentFriendly, playful, clingySocial, independent, dominant
TrainingModerate Easy to train
Social BehaviorFriendly with everyone Prefers close family
Energy LevelsMedium to highMedium
Affection LevelsHighMedium to high

Visual Differences 

Boston Terrier

In general, there aren’t that many differences between male vs female Boston Terriers – unless, of course, you were to look under their bellies. 

All Boston Terriers are small dogs with flat faces and brachycephalic heads and ears that are both tall and floppy. 

They are known for their black body with white markings, although a few more BT colors are possible. 

They have big, round eyes, short and thin coats, and a somewhat stocky build that might make a lot of people mistake them for Pocket Bullies – although anyone who knows either of the two breeds would be able to immediately tell them apart. 

The biggest difference between the two genders is in their size, something that can be noticeable after taking a closer look at a male and a female next to each other.

Boston Terriers are known for their small size, but males are still a little bit larger than females

Their height is typically between 15 and 17 inches, with an average weight of 10 to 25 pounds

On the other hand, a female dog usually has an average height of 10 to 15 inches and a weight of up to 20 pounds.

Some people might claim there are other small characteristics that set the two apart, but size is the only true indicator of a BT’s sex. 

Male Vs Female Boston Terrier Temperament 

Boston Terrier

While their looks might be similar, males and females sure can have different personalities!

No matter the gender, a Boston Terrier is a friendly dog that loves the attention it can get from its owner.

It will do everything it can to get some pets and playtime, and this can make them appear quite goofy at times. 

A classic characteristic of a Boston Terrier temperament is the undying love these pups have for their owners. While not known for barking, they are still rather loud due to their wheezing, snorting, and sniffing. 

After spending just a few moments with these pups, you’ll immediately notice that males have more playful habits. They are silly, funny, and playful, and this makes them more active. They can run around the whole day!

Males are very social, and they try to befriend anyone. They are great with both humans and small pets, although their high energy levels might be too much for small children.

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    Females are calmer and more aloof than their male counterparts, although they are still quite social. Still, they are likely to take favorites and won’t be best friends with everyone.

    They are rather dominant and prefer being the alpha dog of the pack, so they might appear stubborn at times. 

    It’s important to note that all living creatures are individuals with their own temperament and traits, and this includes Boston Terriers. Not all dogs of the same gender will behave the same way, and this is something that’s important to keep in mind when choosing your new puppy. 

    Exercise Requirements 

    While Boston Terriers are quite active dogs, they don’t require too much physical activity. They are small dogs that can get tired easily – although you probably won’t notice this until your BT puppy suddenly falls asleep after hours of running around the house. 

    Both genders have moderate exercise requirements, and usually, a tiresome game of fetch or tug of war is enough to tire them down. 

    Males seem to be slightly more active than females, probably due to their playfulness. They love to spend time messing around with their owners, so they might appear to have more energy than their female counterparts.

    While females aren’t as active, they are quite intelligent, meaning they need plenty of mental stimulation to keep them from getting bored. 

    So, if you have a male pup, a good toy would be a ball you can toss around or a good squeaky toy that will keep them entertained for hours.

    Females, on the other hand, prefer interactive toys that will occupy their minds.

    Just remember – no matter the gender, it’s important you don’t overtrain your pooch. This can result in injuries.

    Also, BTs are prone to a few joint-related health problems, such as patellar luxation, which can worsen with too much exercise. 


    Boston Terrier

    Trainability is quite essential when choosing a dog, no matter his or her size. Even a small dog can become quite a menace if you haven’t trained it properly! 

    This is why it’s important to know which gender works better for you and your experience levels. 

    Let’s start with male Boston Terriers. These pups love to please their owners and would do anything to make them happy. In theory, this should make it effortless for them to train.

    However, they are also very playful and easy to distract. They don’t have the best focus, and anything might divert their attention, from squirrels and bees to a toy he might spot. 

    Also, their goofiness can get the best of them, as they don’t seem to take anything seriously. 

    Fortunately, with lots of praise and lots of love, as well as some patience, you will be able to fulfill this task with ease. 

    Training females is slightly easier than training males. They are more serious and quite intelligent, and learning commands and tricks comes naturally for them. 

    Also, they will focus all of their attention on their owners, so they’ll learn better and more quickly compared to males. 

    The only issue with females is that they lose interest in learning rather quickly, so make sure to train them fast. Lots of positive reinforcement and treats can help complete this task in time.

    Which One Is A Better Family Pet? 

    If you’re looking to buy a Boston Terrier, you are probably looking for a family pet that will go along with the entire household.

    All BTs have affectionate personalities, but each gender has traits that can make it a better choice for a specific kind of dog owner. 

    For example, large families might have great success with males, as they can never get tired of attention! 

    However, they might not be the best choice for the smallest children, as they can be too energetic. 

    Females, on the other hand, are more fit for people with less active lifestyles, although they still thrive from attention. Still, they might need some alone time, and they might get overwhelmed if someone is bothering them all day long. 

    This doesn’t mean you should leave them alone for a prolonged period of time. Both genders are prone to separation anxiety, so they are not the best choice for people who work an 8-hour office shift.


    Boston Terrier

    While Boston Terriers have a fairly long lifespan of up to 15 years, they are still prone to some health issues – mostly due to their brachycephalic face. 

    Due to their flat faces, they are prone to breathing issues, which can be noticeable in their snoring and snorting. 

    These breathing issues also lead to overheating, so you should avoid walking them during hot summer hours. 

    As mentioned before, BTs can have many joint problems, such as patellar luxation and hip dysplasia. They can also have eye problems, including cherry eyes and cataracts.

    However, a few conditions are tightly connected to the male or female sex.

    Male Boston Terriers might be more prone to bone and hip injuries due to their high activity levels. 

    Also, they are prone to some gender-specific conditions, such as testicular tumors and prostate problems

    Female Boston Terriers, on the other hand, are more prone to urinary tract infections, as well as conditions affecting ovaries and uterus

    Many of these conditions can be avoided if you spay or neuter your dog in time. However, even this isn’t equal, as neutering is a much easier and more straightforward procedure than spaying.

    Finally, regular vet visits are essential in keeping your pooches healthy. 


    Boston Terrier

    While I’d never suggest breeding your dogs unless you’re certified to do so, I’ll explain a few things so you can get a general understanding of the differences male and female Boston Terriers go through during the breeding process.

    Females tend to reach physical maturity before males, so they can breed more quickly. However, they tend to have complicated pregnancies due to their small size and pelvis. 

    Also, they have a larger responsibility than males once they’ve had their litter of pups. While males are typically there just to ‘do the deed,’ females nurse and care for the puppies until they grow old.

    Not only that, but one male can father many litters during the year, while it isn’t recommended for a female BT to have more than one litter yearly.

    If you’re breeding for profit, it’s important to note that the owner of the mother has all the legal rights to the puppies – unless you make a different agreement. 

    However, the mother’s health will be more affected because of this entire process, and these costs need to be paid by her owner, as well. 

    Which One Should You Choose?

    Boston Terrier

    So, if you’re planning to get a new pet, which one is a better match when it comes to male vs female Boston Terriers? 

    The truth is, only you can know the answer.

    I’ve already mentioned how different genders can be more suited for different families. It is up to you to run through your daily habits and see which one is a better fit. 

    For example, if you’re looking for a pup that will constantly want your attention and that will be the light of every party, a male Boston Terrier might be a good pick. 

    Opposite of that, if you want a somewhat calmer (but definitely not calm) dog that will demand pets but have a serious side to it, a female Boston Terrier is a better choice.

    Either way, you won’t make a mistake. All Boston Terriers make amazing pets and are some of the most loveable dogs out there. 

    I hope you’ll enjoy the company of your new furry companion!