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Sick Stray Dog Did Something Amazing Hoping To Get Adopted

Sick Stray Dog Did Something Amazing Hoping To Get Adopted

Sometimes, dogs can surprise us with how smart and persistent they are, and JD’s story is a true example of this!

When Lena was packing her car one summer evening, she noticed something surprising. A large stray dog has jumped into her car right onto the front seat! 

The dog sat there without any intent to move. He even shook his head when Lena told him to get out of the vehicle as if he was telling her “No!”. 

As a dog owner herself, Lena knew she had to do something. 

Faithful Encounter

Sick Stray Dog Did Something Amazing Hoping To Get Adopted

Lena immediately brought the dog some food, noticing how he was starving. After a quick conversation with her husband, she decided to bring the pup home.  

However, there was a new problem she needed to tackle

“My immediate thought was, “Oh my goodness, he has mange.” I have kids, I have a dog, and I was like, “If we want to help this dog, how are we going to do this to where we don’t catch anything, as well?””, Lena told The Dodo. 

The doggie was scared and defeated, with large portions of his fur missing. However, Lena could see that underneath it all, he was a pretty dog.

Vet Gave Them Good News 

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The good people of TikTok helped Lena take John Doe – or JD, for short – which is how the dog was named, to the vet. This is where they finally got some good news: JD didn’t have mange, after all!

Instead, he had a severe case of flea allergy, which was worsened by his scratching and biting itchy spots.   

While this still meant JD was extremely uncomfortable, he wasn’t contagious, which meant he could finally be fully introduced to the rest of the family!

Also, it turned out that he spent quite a lot of time on the streets, which explained his poor condition. Fortunately, this part of life was now behind him.

A New Beginning

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One of the first things Lena did was give JD a medicated bath to help him get rid of fleas. For the first couple of weeks, he had to have these baths once every two weeks, but the improvement he showed both in his appearance and temperament was obvious. 

He also found a new older brother in the family’s dog, Bear, while Lena’s son helped him express a much gentler part of his personality.

It didn’t take long for JD to get accustomed to his new life and show that he is the most playful doggie around! 

He quickly started playing with toys and becoming more playful and loveable, acting like a regular good boy.

“I feel like his personality has always kind of been there, but in the beginning, it was definitely a little bit more laid back. I definitely feel accomplished”, Lena said.

Life Full Of Love

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After a lot of hardships, JD is now living a life full of love with his new family, which even includes a fluffy cat!

Instead of on the streets, he is sleeping in a comfortable bed – although he still seems to have a soft spot for Lena’s car!

His days are filled with fun, cuddles, and lots of kibble!

Sick Stray Dog Did Something Amazing Hoping To Get Adopted (4)

From a sick, abandoned stray to the most loved dog in the world. Who knew how one attempt at getting warm in a stranger’s car could lead to such a dream come true!?

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